How do I make a palette?
Once you join Spec-ID, login and click on the "My Palettes" page. Then simply click on the "Create Palette" button at the top of the page. You'll be directed to the palette page and be prompted to fill out your project specs. Then you can begin to create a palette by dragging products from the toolbar at the bottom of you screen to the palette stage.
How do I edit my palette project details?
On the right-hand side of the palette click on the "Edit Project Details" icon. Here you can change any of your palette details. Just edit and save! Remember, the application, budget, colors and location determine the results in the "Palette Matches" toolbar tab at the bottom of your screen. This helps guide you in your product selection without all the hassle of searching.
How do I add products to my palette?
There is a Toolbar located at the bottom of your screen. The Toolbar houses different tabs where products are stored such as My Libraries, Palette Matches and All products. You simply drag products from and one of the Toolbar tabs onto the palette stage.
How does the Palette Matches work?
You'll find products here that ONLY match your palette's application, budget, colors and location. Simply select a Product Category to view all matches for that category. If a product category has any filters to help you narrow your search they will appear. If you'd like to clear all selections, simply hit the "Reset" button.
Once you find a product you like, you can drag it from this tab to your palette.
Note: You can edit your palette's project details by clicking on the "Edit Project Details" icon on the right-hand side of the palette stage.
Note: You can also do a custom search in the "All Products" tab if you'd like more options outside of your project requirements.
Why don't I see any product matches in the Matches tab?
You'll find products here that ONLY match your palette's application, budget, colors and location. This is a very specific searching method that may not return lots and lots of products. As Spec-ID launches we're also in the process of adding many manufacturers on a weekly basis. Thus, our library will continue to grow and so should your Matches.
Note: You can also do a custom search in the "All Products" tab if you'd like more options outside of your project requirements.
How do I remove images from my palette?
Simply click on the product image and then click on the "Delete Item" icon on the tools to left side of your palette. This icon looks like a trash can.
How do I duplicate an image in my palette?
How do I save my palette?
Simply click on the "Save" icon on the right-hand side of your palette.
We DO NOT automatically save your Palette. You must SAVE your work regularly and before leaving this page.
When attempting to leave the Palette page your browser will ask you if you're sure you want to leave the page. Just make sure your palette is saved and then you're safe to leave the page.
If you leave the Spec-ID site for an extended period of time OR your computer goes in sleep mode, you may loose your browser session and any unsaved palettes.
How do I move images in the front of (or behind) other images?
Select the product that you want to layer and click on one of the 4 icons on the tools on left-hand side of the palette. You can: Move Forward, Move Backward, Move to Front or Move to Back.
Note: Each product is technically on a layer, so when trying to layer your products it may seem as if the product you are trying to move back or forward isn't moving simply because it needs to move past each product layer.
How long do my palettes stay saved?
Your palettes stay saved in your account for as long as you have an account.
How do I find my saved palettes?
Go to "My Palettes" at the top of the website. Here you'll find a page with all your saved palettes.
How do I make a palette private?
When making a new palette or editing your palette's project details there is a little check-box at the end of the form. This is where you can select to make your palette private or public.
How do I download specification sheets?
Click on the "Download Specs" icon on the right side of your palette. Here you can access all the specification sheets for all the products in your palette. Simply click on one to download it to your desktop. OR if you need all the specs, click the first item "Download ZIP of all Specs"
How do I download an image of my palette?
Click on the "Download Image" icon on the right side of your palette. With the click of this button you can download an image of your palette to your desktop. Currently, the image is a low-res image. We'll be adding the ability to download a print quality image very soon.
How do I email my palette?
If you'd like to share your palette via email click on the "Email Palette" icon on the right side of your palette. Simply fill out the "To" name and email, fill out a personal message and hit send! The recipient will get a special message with an image of the palette and a link to view it. (they won't be able to see your linked palette detail page unless your palette is marked "public").
How do I share a palette on social media?
Share your palette via Facebook or Twitter by clicking on one these social media icons on the right side of your palette. An image and/or link to your palette will be in your post. You can only share your palette via these mediums if your palette is marked "Public".
How do I delete a palette?
When logged in, go to "My Palettes" and click on the trash can icon below the palette image to delete the palette.
Why is my palette taking so long to load?
Depending on the amount of images and the size of your images, it could take a bit of time for the web editor to load or save your palette. If the editor takes way too long, please let us know.